Reviews by Cyndie Shaffstall

Why We Get FatWhy We Get Fat: And What to Do About It

by Gary Taubes

If you had asked me if I thought a book could be life-changing, I would have scoffed at the suggestion—until I read this book. I was diagnosed with lupus in 2001 and for the last 13 years have been on prednisone and plaquenil, two high-risk drugs. Unfortunately, without them, I was nearly immobile. The future was bleak—dialysis a very real possibility in the not-to-distant future. My cycling partner recommended this book and it has changed my life. Not only am I drug-free and symptom-free, I am also30 lbs. lighter and much more active. Now on my third year of a very low-carb diet, I am in full remission. If you have an autoimmune disorder, or if you are considering other paths to a healthier life, give low carb more than a passing thought. This book will show you how and explain to you why it works.

Quiet by Susan CainQuiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking

by Susan Cain

I’ve always known I am an introvert, but I have not always known how my introversion affects other areas of my life. Susan Cain’s book, Quiet, has helped me to understand how far-reaching my personality traits are, but also why—though introverted—I have no trouble with public speaking. I enjoyed every moment of this book, and my only complaint is that I wanted more. She has touched on so many issues and prompted all new questions about my inclinations. If you are an introvert, in a relationship with an introvert, or raising an introvert, please read this book.

Da Vinci Code by Dan BrownInferno

by Dan Brown

Dan Brown is one of my favorite authors for books to read while traveling. His writing style is engaging and full of detail that pulls my mind away from the stress of traveling on a schedule. When you first pick it up and realize it has 600 pages, you’ll wonder how you will ever get through it, but the story sends you forward to the end so quickly, you’ll be disappointed when it ends. I was quickly caught up in the quest and felt as though I was actually on the chase with Langdon, wandering the streets of Venice and Florence. If you enjoyed Brown’s other books, this once certainly will not disappoint you, but I think I enjoyed DaVinci Code slightly more—probably only because it was the first book of his I read. I can’t wait for his next book!

The New Rules of Marketing & PRThe New Rules of Marketing & PR

by David Meerman Scott

Whether you are marketing your company, your product, or yourself, this book is a must-have. Scott is clearly tapped into the subjects of marketing, public relations, and even search-engine optimization. He will fill your head with ideas and directions for approaching a marketing initiative of any size. I not only re-read this book each year, I make a point to purchase the newer version so I can be sure I have the latest information. Don’t stop at just reading the book, follow Scott on social networks for up-to-date, last-minute tips and suggestions.

Just read

The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's NestThe Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

by Stieg Larsson

As this story line develops, it is becoming one of my favorite fiction series, but I have to admit, the ending of the first book was not my favorite. It’s the first time I recall thinking the movie did a better job with the ending than the book had. Perhaps I was having trouble visualizing the scene—I’m not certain that can be blamed on the author, given that I enjoyed the balance of the book—and the movie helped me to fill in the blanks. I readily recommend the series, despite my misgivings. It’s a great series, full of intrigue, and very well written.

Predictably IrrationalPredictably Irrational

by Dan Ariely

Every person in marketing should read this book, everyone else should read it too. For us marketers, it sheds light on those actions and inactions that mystify us most about buyers, but this behavior should be—and is—interesting to every one else too. If you think you always make the right decision when your money is at risk, think again—and then buy this book.

Four AgreementsThe Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom

by Don Miguel Ruiz and Janet Mills

I’m not usually one to read self-help books, but this was recommended by a friend as a must read. Like the 5 Love Languages, the tenants are a good basic prescription for a more peaceful existence, but difficult to put into practice in today’s day and age. I enjoyed the read and the provocation of thought, and do flip through the pages every now and then as a reminder of what others deem as best practices.

Five Love LanguagesThe 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love that Lasts

by Gary D Chapman

I read this book at the suggestion of a friend and while I feel there are several worthwhile points, it’s difficult for me to accept any tenants wholeheartedly and without question. I think people are probably too complicated to fit easily into one of five buckets, or even two five buckets. We are affected by time and place. Still, understanding how your partner or potential partner feels about the efforts you make toward building a happy relationship, has value. It’s a good read, whether or not you accept it at face value.

The Squeaky WheelThe Squeaky Wheel

by Guy Winch Ph.D.

I have to agree with Winch—we are a bunch of complainers—we complain all day, every day, about everything in sight. You are probably thinking to yourself, “No, I don’t. I’m a happy person,” but I can assure you, after you read this book, you’ll agree too. Should we change? Probably. Will we? Maybe not. This book, however, will at least cause you to think before you complain, and maybe that’s enough. I did take the author’s advice in writing a recent letter of complaint and was surprised at the positive results I received from my letter. It’s a good, though-provoking book and an easy, short read.

Reviews in the works

Think Outside the Inbox: The B2B Marketing Automation Guide

by David Cummings and Adam Blitzer

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

by Al Ries and Jack Trout

Winning the Zero Moment of Truth – ZMOT

by Jim Lecinski

Presentation Zen: Simple Ideas on Presentation Design and Delivery (2nd Edition)

Garr Reynolds

Still at the bed-side

The Flight of the Creative Class

by Richard Florida

The Rise of the Creative Class

by Richard Florida

The Great Reset

by Richard Florida

A Nation of Takers: America’s Entitlement Epidemic (New threats to freedom series)

by Nicholas Eberstadt