The bucket list

Targeted landing pages are critical to the success and analytics of any multi-touch campaign, but they can also help you to create your bucket lists.

When you tweet, post to a Facebook wall, send a direct-mail postcard, or send out an email, every effort should go to a distinct (and separate landing page). Doing so will ensure that you have optimum visibility into which of your efforts produced the best results and where your visitor is in the sales cycle.

Every landing page needs a call to action (CTA) that prompts the visitor to an outcome. These outcomes, also called conversions, help you to understand what is successful and what needs some work. The CTA can be anything you like, but don’t be afraid to ask for the sale at any point and don’t forget to put the CTA at the top of the page, even if you have it placed in other locations on the page.

When a prospect clicks on a particular CTA, this enables you to categorize the visitor and put them into the correct bucket. With them appropriately categorized you will know what type of messaging to send them as a follow up. Future messaging will help you to future break down the groups.

If, for instance, your CTA is to complete a subscriber form, then the visitor’s address should automatically be added to a subscriber list so that they receive future newsletters and announcements.

If your CTA is to download a white paper, this signifies a higher level of engagement. These names should be added to a separate bucket; one that you use for sending messaging on the same or similar topic as the initial download. Here again, your message should always include a call to action.

Note: Be sure to give your visitor the option of subscribing to different lists and maintaining control over not just what they receive, but the frequency with which they receive. Every message thereafter should also contain a link that lets them update their preferences. Prospects who follow a CTA to a download should not be added to your subscriber list unless you have explicitly informed the visitor that this will happen – again, let them control what and when.

If the call to action is to download the demo of your product, this is a completely different kind of visitor and for those who do (download), they are expressing an even higher level of interest and they are potentially further along in the conversion funnel. These visitors may be approaching the warm-lead status. A discussion with your sales team will help you to identify at what point, or what call to action, signifies that the prospect is ready for connection to the sales team.

As you start to develop and collection members of each bucket, watch the activity level and try to identify those who have lost interest (by failing to click through or to access the CTA). If your recipients are reading your messages, it may be time to put them into a new list for maintenance mode, or up the ante and offer something that you believe will re-engage the visitor.